A Girl from the CountrysideA heartwarming tale of resilience and dreams as a young girl navigates the challenges of rural life, finding strength and inspiration in her journey toward a...
A Journey in the Mountain – Sarra EditionAn adventurous story set in breathtaking mountain landscapes, where discovery and self-reflection intertwine, offering lessons of courage and connection with nature.
A School Story – Karim Bazdah, Sarra EditionA compelling narrative that follows the adventures of Karim as he navigates the challenges and friendships of school life, filled with valuable lessons...
A School Trip – Sarra EditionAn exciting tale of adventure and discovery as a group of students embark on a memorable school trip, exploring new places, forming friendships, and learning...
A Strange World – Sarra EditionA captivating journey into an unfamiliar realm, where mystery and wonder await. The story follows characters who face unexpected challenges, unraveling secrets and discovering new...
A Wonderful Journey in the Farm – Sarra EditionAn enchanting adventure set on a charming farm, where the characters experience the beauty of nature, learn about animals, and discover the...
Anna and the Fighter - Macmillan ReadersA gripping story of love, courage, and resilience set against a backdrop of conflict. Anna, a determined young woman, meets a fighter whose life...